2016年10月10日 星期一

How to compile a Gradle project using command line in Java CME MDP 3.0

Example Project:

1. Copy the directory that contains the required jar files from workspace\AAA\build\b2bits-jmdp3-1.0\lib\ to workspace\AAA\bin\lib\

2. You can use below command to include the classpath of the jar files and start the test
java -cp ".;lib/*" com.epam.cme.mdp3.test.PrintAllSecuritiesTest

3. If the config files are not found, you will see below error messages.
ERROR StatusLogger No log4j2 configuration file found. Using default configuration: logging only errors to the console.
        at com.epam.cme.mdp3.test.PrintAllSecuritiesTest.main(PrintAllSecuritiesTest.java:80)

4. Copy all xml files similar to workspace\AAA\src\test\resources\config.xml to workspace\AAA\bin\config.xml

5. Run the command again
C:\Users\rickypc\workspace\AAA\bin>java -cp ".;lib/*" com.epam.cme.mdp3.test.PrintAllSecuritiesTest
[INFO ] 2016-10-10 15:59:17.940 [Thread-1] PrintAllSecuritiesTest - Channel '311': N feed A is started

6. Notice the below log file will be generated.
Java Market Data Handler for CME Market Data (MDP 3.0).log

On linux, you need to add the below line to the file /etc/hosts hkoffice083 localhost


1. Prepare the file workspace\AAA\bin\dist\pcap\311_AX.bin from workspace\AAA\src\cucumber\sim\data\incr\311_AX_224.0.31.2_17511.zip

2. Run java -cp ".;lib/*" com.epam.cme.mdp3.test.SbeParserBenchmark
java -cp ".:lib/*" com.epam.cme.mdp3.test.SbeParserBenchmark

5. Run the command again
5. Run the command again
5. Run the command again
5. Run the command again
5. Run the command again


1. Add jar to Project > Properties > Java Build Path > Libraries > Add JARs

2. Add "Resource" folder as class path folder




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