2019年3月16日 星期六

ESXi 6.7 on ASRock J4105-ITX with Realtek 8111H Network Card

ESXi 6.7 on ASRock J4105-ITX with Realtek 8111H Network Card

Unzip ESXi-Customizer-v2.7.2.exe
then edit ESXi-Customizer.cmd
to remove below lines

   if "!WinVer!"=="5.0" call :logCons --- INFO: Running on Windows 2000. What?!
   if "!WinVer!"=="5.1" call :logCons --- INFO: Running on Windows XP.
   if "!WinVer!"=="5.2" call :logCons --- INFO: Running on Windows Server 2003.
   if "!WinVer!"=="6.0" call :logCons --- INFO: Running on Windows Vista or Server 2008.
   if "!WinVer!"=="6.1" call :logCons --- INFO: Running on Windows 7 or Server 2008 R2.
   if "!WinVer!"=="6.2" call :logCons --- INFO: Running on Windows 8 or Server 2012.
   if "!WinVer!"=="6.3" call :logCons --- INFO: Running on Windows 8.1 or Server 2012 R2.
   if "!WinVer!" GTR "6.3" call :logCons --- WARNING: Running on a Windows newer than 8.1 / 2012 R2. Don't know if this will work ...
   if "!WinVer!" LSS "5.1" call :earlyFatal Unsupported Windows Version: !WinVer!. At least Windows XP is required & exit /b 1
   if "!WinVer!" NEQ "6.1" call :logCons --- WARNING: Your Windows version is supported for customizing ESXi 5.x, but not ESXi 4.1.

then select VMware-VMvisor-Installer-6.7.0-8169922.x86_64.iso
and net55-r8168-8.045a-napi.x86_64.vib
to generate a new .iso file and finally refuse it to a 16GB USB 2.0 flash drive
and boot and install it on a Sandisk 32GB USB 3.0 flash drive.


DSM 6.2 on ESXi


1. Prepare .img

OFSMount the file Synoboot.img from synoboot_3615.zip with NO Read-only.
Notepad++ opens grub.cfg
set sn=1230LWN001915
set mac1=001132001915
Add a leading # to the sections of
#menuentry "DS3615xs 6.2 Baremetal $VERSION" --class os {
#menuentry "DS3615xs 6.2 Baremetal $VERSION Reinstall" --class os {
#menuentry "DS3615xs 6.2 Baremetal AMD $VERSION" --class os {
but need to keep the section
menuentry "DS3615xs 6.2 VMWare/ESXI $VERSION" --class os {
Dismount all disks and Exit

On ESXi, create "dsm62" directory and uploads synoboot.vmdk and synoboot.img
ESXi creates new VM called dsm62 Ubuntu Linux 64 bits
Allocate 2CPU 2GB
Removes default disk, SCSI controller, CD/DVD drives
Set MAC address to 001132001915
Add "Existing disk" with synoboot.vmdk
Add new SATA1 controller and new disk at SATA(1:0)

Browse find.synology.com with DSM_DS3615xs_23739.pat below

SN Generator


DSM 6.1.5


DS3615xs 6.1 Jun's Mod V1.02-alpha.zip


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